Национальный конкурс дизайна, запущенный для новой региональной галереи | Совет Солнечного побережья


Exciting, modern and creative designs for a highly-anticipated Sunshine Coast regional gallery will be underway soon, as a national architectural design competition is launched. 

The design competition for the new Sunshine Coast Gallery of Art Совпадает с 25 -й годовщиной любимой Калуундра Региональная галерея, an institution that has significantly contributed to the region’s cultural landscape.

Overseen by the Competition Advisor CityLab, the design competition will be delivered as a two-step process comprising an initial expression of interest phase followed by a concept design response by the shortlisted parties.

Further information and how architects and designers can register will be released in the coming months.

Sunshine Coast Mayor Rosanna Natoli highlighted the broader benefits of the new regional gallery for the Sunshine Coast, emphasising its importance to the region.

“The new Sunshine Coast Gallery of Art will contribute to a vibrant and energised Sunshine Coast with a strong artistic and cultural identity,” Mayor Natoli said.

“It aims to create a significant tourist and educational attraction to foster economic investment in the region and enhance the Sunshine Coast’s status as a key regional destination for cultural tourism.

“The project is anticipated to attract more than 90,000 visitors each year as a destination for both residents and tourists and generate economic benefits.

“Most importantly, it will encourage creative expression and enrich the social and cultural wellbeing of our region.

“Once finished, it will also provide a home for the region’s public collection and a place for our community — whether they are artists or art lovers.”

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Council unanimously endorsed the detailed business case for the new Sunshine Coast Gallery of Art in Caloundra at the Ordinary Meeting held on August 24, 2023. This business case is the foundation document for advancing a funding strategy and conceptual designs in 2025.

Чтобы узнать больше о годовщине, посетите Калуундра Региональная галерея. For details on the detailed business case, visit Council’s website for the Caloundra Centre Activation ProjectПолем


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